feather of a bird

Leveraging inspiration from the Facebook blue, this color palette adds purple to nod towards the dawn of a new era, tinting the blue with an energetic purple, where Facebook products are empowered by data analysis to deliver the best impact they can for all users.

​A R T  D I R E C T I O N  4
M O O D  B O A R D  +  D E S C R I P T O R S

Levering complex data can only occur if a massive effort of combining, evaluating and evolving different points of view is underway. The analytics community is responsible for vast potential impact, informed by the consolidation of knowledge of previous experiences, and the prediction of service behavior in the future. This happens according to a broad changing context and will drastically inform decisions as an organization. The complexity of this arena is championed here by the composing of connection and grids within a circular form, to inform a direction allowing for data to appear visually correlated and present a clear path forward.

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moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle

What changed: The evolving circles were removed as they represent quantitative research other than the qualitative nature of the work performed by the org, along with reinforcing the mood for sequential process, layered analysis, and 3 analytical lenses working together.

graphic design printed media booklet

To embody the inspiring nature of the geographical area where some of the most radical innovation takes place, this palette draws colors from the San Francisco Bay Area

landscape and striking weather to evoke anticipation for exciting new days to come.

C O M B I N I N G  &  R I P P L I N G
​c o n c e p t  2

L A Y E R E D  A N A L Y S I S

moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle

A R T  ​D I R E C T I O N  3
M O O D  B O A R D  +  D E S C R I P T O R S

Unique perspectives are essential for insight, the joining of expert analysis will highlight and inform the best course of action. The pool of data we analyze is nearly infinite, it is not at all fully chartered and the abundance of possibilities can be overwhelming.

Keynote development supported by designer Tracy Chou.

graphic design printed media booklet
moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle

The lighter color palette variation used in concept 3.2 resonated well with the Analytics team, the academic feel was also welcome and appreciated while choosing a sans serif font would help deliver a more minimal mood. Leaning now more towards international design inspired by Swiss type posters, primal shapes and gridded layout, the final identity began to unveil.

moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle
moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle

C O N C E P T  3 . 1
R O U N D  2

S T E P  3
C O N C E P T  D E V E L O P M E N T ,  R O U N D 2

moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle

Combined layers of process, critical thinking and active discussion, the road up and to the right  begins to reveal. The measurement and extraction of meaning within he current context must be executed logically, carefully, step-by-step.

moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle

What changed: The direction moved along following feedback to push for unity, to use dots forming the starry sky as a more predominant element in the composition, and to leverage the concepts of the 3 pillars within the org as lenses layered to reveal something more.

moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle
moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle
moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle
moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle

S U T R O  S U N R I S E

As waves in the ocean and the water drops that form it, data and information takes the shape of the environment it lives in. In the vast sea of big data and analytics, the combining and parsing of data, cleaning up and properly naming each actor is crucial to begin a clear picture understanding. Along with the organizational nature of data science, the vast effect it can have in predicting behaviors and necessary efforts backed by solid mathematics take on a shape of a ripple. As massive waves all begin as small ripples, it is the voice of the analytics team that will blow the winds of change and generate necessary informed action to stride forward.

What changed: Approaching the last round of iteration in a broader stylistic gamut, the selected color palette was pushed to invert the darker mood onto a white-based composition; using the varied main colors as leading graphical elements of the graphical composition.

graphic design printed media booklet
moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle
moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle
moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle
moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle

Continuing development with the 3 selected options, round 2 consisted in understanding the potential for improvement in each concept, leaning more towards each concept's initial message and visually balancing and further refining the layout.

​A R T  D I R E C T I O N  2
M O O D  B O A R D  +  D E S C R I P T O R S

As a combination of successful elements in previous concepts, the final iteration carried the message of unity and an universe of data through multi-layered star gazing. Each pillar of the Analytics org is represented by one lens and color in the Dawn of Facebook palette, while the combined colors 'Multiply' into a fourth color, the color of a universe full of stars and useful information. Hidden in the starry sky, is our easter egg: The Ursa Major constellation.

Within a grid, relevant inquiry opens the door to meaningful analysis of the underlying data and unveil true insight. Springing from within the analytics archetypes, the voices of each individual contributor is the main force for change and focus.

moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle
moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle

C O M B I N I N G  &  R I P P L I N G

T E R A  A N A L Y S I S

moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle

Dawn Of Facebook, the color variance selected, was selected as the most relevant following the trend of unification and brand presence within Facebook products and teams. The selected concepts also followed to the next phase of iteration and moved further in representing its meaning.

moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle

Unique perspectives are essential for insight, the joining of expert analysis will highlight and inform the best course of action. The pool of data we analyze is nearly infinite, it is not at all fully chartered and the abundance of possibilities can be overwhelming.

moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle

S T E P  2
C O L O R  P A L L E T E

C O L O R  V A R I A N C E

Combined layers of process, critical thinking and active discussion, the road up and to the right  begins to reveal. The measurement and extraction of meaning within he current context must be executed logically, carefully, step-by-step.

moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle

C O N C E P T  1
R O U N D  1

Ursa Major Constellation

moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle

The context is intense, the stakes incredibly high and the history unwritten. In the realm of analytics in the age of big data and quantified living, the task of interpreting signals from this semi-chaotic environment is overtaken by utilizing a multitude of techniques and intellectual strategies. The art direction and the body of work produced are tasked with the representation of such time in scientific history, where each step depends on the critical action of hundreds of critical minds.

moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle
moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle

​A R T  D I R E C T I O N  1
M O O D  B O A R D  +  D E S C R I P T O R S

M U L T I L A T E R A L  I N S I G H T
​c o n c e p t  1

moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle
moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle
moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle
moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle

C O L L A B O R A T I V E  A C T I O N
​c o n c e p t  4

M U L T I L A T E R A L  I N S I G H T

moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle
moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle

Intersecting with the background texture, the starry sky reveals Ursa Major, a navigational constellation know to be bright and visible when sailing or navigating unknown terrain. It sets itself apart in the design  using green for positive results within a deep blue night sky, and angled to point "Up and to the Right" – an unofficial ABP motto.

S T E P  4
F I N A L  I D E N T I T Y

moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle
moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle
moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle

The mood of the event and the entire industry is energetic, the color palettes developed strike on the same note and deliver a capacity to be versatile while elegant in its use, balance and consistent tonal moods when applied to a wide identity system. Color swatches based on various California wilderness photography.

moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle
moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle

D E S C R I P T O R S  :   I N F O R M E D  O P P O R T U N I T Y ,  I N S I G H T ,  C O M M U N I T Y  V O I C E

moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle
moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle

Championing the act of data analysis and meaning though binary activation, this color palette draws from the energetic orange of a new dawn leveraging the insights of analysis, and the purple of the new astronomical heights it can achieve.

​​S T E P  2
C O N C E P T  G E N E R A T I O N

moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle

C O L L A B O R A T I V E  A C T I O N

model holding wearable by big window with trees

C O N C E P T  3
R O U N D  1

Data can be messy, though advanced frameworks and combined collaborative efforts, a clearer picture begins to show. The impact of insights through analysis have the potential to ripple through Facebook, impacting products and users.


Combined layers of process, critical thinking and active discussion, the road up and to the right  begins to reveal. The measurement and extraction of meaning within he current context must be executed logically, carefully, step-by-step.

L A Y E R E D  A N A L Y S I S
​c o n c e p t  3

D A W N  O F  F A C E B O O K

moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle

S T E P  1
I D E N T I T Y  E X P L O R A T I O N

moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle

C O N C E P T  3
R O U N D  1

nature forest river landscape lifestyle adventure

A N A L Y T I C S  M A N A G E R S  S U M M I T


C O N C E P T  3 . 2
R O U N D  2 ,  C O L O R  V A R I A N C E

The functioning of data analysis requires many layers of interpretation, calculation, and action to be impactful while staying within the boundaries of informed insight.
These layers interact with each-other to supply mechanisms with which scientists can draw conclusions from, the direction of diagrams, the interpretation of graphs, and the labeling of the raw data, all take on similarly important roles as the complexity within the industry becomes more and more advanced. The combined efforts begin to surface an actionable picture as the process continues, it is never ending and requires echoing the lessons learned in the past while readily taking the challenges ahead.

Effective collaborative effort often takes on a small point of action, while leveraging the strength of entire organizations to create change and move the needle forward. The coming together of efforts to enable change can be seen as vectors acting towards momentum, the movement within businesses requires the individual voices of contributors to be loud and sure, to provoke change in the most valuable form. This change can also been seen as the consolidation of efforts, the combining of contextual environment textures and interpretations of how that environment is already informing the next stages of its existence.

moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle

C O N C E P T  1
R O U N D  2

moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle

The analytics team provides valuable insight for the future of the business, treating and analyzing data to create clearest picture of potential challenges and their solutions. The org wants to be heard, what we have to say is valuable, and we have the data to back it up. The data is important, however, what is most important is the voice of each scientist, manager, researcher within the org. With enough energy, diligence and  confidence, the voice of the Analytics community will have the impact it must have for the thriving of the Facebook community of products and users.


moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle
moto guzzi cafe racer custom motorcycle