feather of a bird
Deployment - Final Cut
Deployment - Final Cut
Deployment - Final Cut
Deployment - Final Cut
Deployment - Final Cut
Deployment - Final Cut
Deployment - Final Cut

After reviewing with partners and receivingin buy-in from all stakeholders, the proposed flow of animations work to deliver the necessary instructions moved into design execution phase.

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Deployment - Final Cut
Deployment - Final Cut
graphic design printed media booklet
Deployment - Final Cut
Deployment - Final Cut
Deployment - Final Cut

Development happened in a combination of Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere, utilizing and combining the compositions drawn from the existing customer-facing library of assets to generate the required animation loops for each phase of the video. The chapters of the video and instructionals were then combined into one reel to include the voice narration, utilizing a scratch audio mocked by the team at first while we conducted voice auditions and captured final audio for the final output.



Deployment - Final Cut

The audience was carefully considered throughout the development process, keeping in mind most of the partners receiving the content are statistically not technology savy, and the instructionals were tasked to be the most straight-forward, obvious and approachable as possible. The audience was also considered mixed-gender, diverse nationality, average to advanced age, and generally familiar with Facebook's Ads Manager dashboard basic functionalities.


C D K  P A R T N E R  I N T E G R AT I O N  V I D E O


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Deployment - Final Cut
Deployment - Final Cut
Deployment - Final Cut
Deployment - Final Cut

S T E P  2
V I S U A L  D E L I V E R Y  S T R A T E G Y

A D O B E  P R E M I E R E

F R A M E - b y - f r a m e 
M O T I O N  ​D E S C R I P T O R  S A M P L E S

Deployment - Final Cut

A D O B E  A F T E R E F F E C T S

As we approached completion of development and narrowed our selection of voice actors and actresses to a select few, the team also intended to make the content more engaging and keep viewer attention anchored for longer by adding a suiting background soundtrack. The soundtrack selection was then narrowed to a select few and paired with the elected final voiceover to gather A - B reactions from the stakeholder team, arriving at one final selection based on the feedback gathered.

Deployment - Final Cut
Deployment - Final Cut
Deployment - Final Cut


Lorem ipsum

nature forest river landscape lifestyle adventure

Tasked to exemplify and explain step-by-step how to integrate automotive dealerships inventories to the Automated Ads manager within the Facebook platform, the Ads Manager Product Design team partnered with Studio X to develop a pilot branded instructional video. The video was then shared after completion directly with dealerships throughout the ecosystem facilitating automotive inventory integration and allowing for simple and automated generation of dynamic ads based on current and relevant inventory placement.

S T E P  4
D E S I G N  E X E C U T I O N

Identity exploration revolved around electing the most relevant compositions and illustration assets to champion the message of the video. These assets were drawn from within the In-Product Branding for Business library of illustrations. It was very important to keep in unity with the visual style already present throughout other Facebook business products.

Based on the available elements on the Facebook brand system, current visual trends, and the partner's main brand peripherals, a visual style mood board and guidelines were developed to exemplify to stakeholders the potential of visually fleshing out the integration instructionals. The guidelines also included brand-friendly typography guidelines and a basic color palette to inform any opportunity for color application throughout the interaction.

Deployment - Final Cut

S T E P  1
I D E N T I T Y  E X P L O R A T I O N

S T E P  3
C O N T E N T  D E L I V E R Y  S T R A T E G Y

Deployment - Final Cut